We were devastated by the death of Humphrey, earlier in June. Despite the hard efforts of the vet, he could not be saved. Nibbles, his brother, cried and it was heartbreaking to hear. However, I am pleased to say he is much happier now. Of course he is getting extra cuddles everyday, but he has a pair of new friends...two rabbits: a boy and a girl. After a bit of sniffing and rubbing noses, they have all become friends; they have even visited each other's hutches. It is quite clear that Nibbles is in charge, as one squeak out of him sends the rabbits running.
As we did when the guinea pigs arrived, we ran another competition to name the rabbits and I am delighted to say that we decided on Lavender for the girl, courtesy of Kiara in Willow and Bailey in Alder decided upon...wait for it...Martin for the boy! Mrs Lewis is delighted as they were her two favourites! Well done to our two winners.
We are hoping to find another friend for Nibbles and are on the lookout for a female guinea pig or two to share his hutch. If you hear of any which need rehoming, come and speak to Mrs Lewis or our zoo keeper, Mrs Banton!
As we did when the guinea pigs arrived, we ran another competition to name the rabbits and I am delighted to say that we decided on Lavender for the girl, courtesy of Kiara in Willow and Bailey in Alder decided upon...wait for it...Martin for the boy! Mrs Lewis is delighted as they were her two favourites! Well done to our two winners.
We are hoping to find another friend for Nibbles and are on the lookout for a female guinea pig or two to share his hutch. If you hear of any which need rehoming, come and speak to Mrs Lewis or our zoo keeper, Mrs Banton!