useful information
If you have a question that you would usually ask the office staff, you may find some answers here!
For information about results and performance, admissions, policies etc. please Click Here. If you need further assistance, call 01462 450716 and ask to speak to Mrs Helen Channa, the Office Manager.
For information about results and performance, admissions, policies etc. please Click Here. If you need further assistance, call 01462 450716 and ask to speak to Mrs Helen Channa, the Office Manager.
If a parent requests a paper copy of any information on our website, we will provide this free of charge.
Where appropriate, we provide an archive of all important letters sent home.
Communicating with Parents/Carers is very important to ensure they get the current information about activities, events and other relevant notices reliably and on time.
At Oughton Primary & Nursery School we communicate to Parents/Carers through Arbor. To register please contact the school office on 01462 450716.
At Oughton Primary & Nursery School we communicate to Parents/Carers through Arbor. To register please contact the school office on 01462 450716.
PRIVACY POLICYWe collect and hold personal information relating to our pupils and may also receive information about them from their previous schools, local authority and/or the Department for Education (DfE). This document explains why we need it and how we protect the information.
As the new GDPR came into force on 25th May 2018, please read the 2 letters below, which explains what this means for parents and pupils of the school.
We hope that your experience of our school will be a positive one. However, should you need to make a complaint, the school does have an Complaints Procedure which follows Hertfordshire County Council guidelines. A copy of this procedure may be obtained from the School Office or downloaded here.
For further information from Hertfordshire County Council regarding complaints, follow the link.