year 2 puppet making
Year Two used their technology skills to become puppet makers for their wow day this term. They started the day by trying out different stitches on binka as some of them had never done sewing before. Once they were more confident on how to use a needle and thread, they designed a sock puppet. The mouth was sewed on first and then two buttons were attached as eyes. Finally, they all added wool as hair. By the end of the day everyone had a sock puppet that they had made and they were proud that they had tried different types of stitching.
year 2 Victorian day
On Thursday 18 March, a visitor came to show us artefacts from over 100 years ago. We discussed how the objects had changed and developed over the years. We found out that the Victorians invented many objects that we still use today. Then we all had a go at washing clothes like they used to. We used carbolic soap, a grater and a posser. It was hard work!
year one playground engineers
Year One thoroughly enjoyed our Design and Technology Wow Day this term. We dressed up as playground engineers, researched playground equipment and built our own freestanding play equipment. We had a great day!