autumn 2021
Year Five thoroughly enjoyed their wow day in December focused on the history of chocolate, linked to their learning on the Aztecs. They learnt all about where chocolate came from and how it was produced and drunk during the Aztec empire. They then designed their own chocolate bar and then thoroughly enjoyed creating their design into the form of a chocolate lolly.
Year Four enjoyed their Great British Sewing Bee(ch) wow day in December, sewing their own face mask as part of their DT Textile unit. Despite some tricky moments with thread and needle, all the children persevered and achieved the goal of completing their own face mask. The children were also challenged during the day to design and sew a Christmas tree decoration. This was judged by a special judge… Mrs Clayton! Zoe, Esmae, William and Millie were all selected by Mrs Clayton. Well done!
world war II day
On Wednesday 3rd November, Year 6 celebrated their World War II Wow day. The children came in dressed as a land girl and evacuees wearing labels to show their names and home town. Many of the evacuees came clutching a teddy bear to offer them comfort. The day started with the class making their own gas masks, which came in handy for the various air raid sirens they experienced. The children went on to study genuine evacuee testimonies as well as learn about propaganda campaigns.
In the afternoon, the children experienced the ‘mend and make do’ way of life by practising their sewing and embroidery skills as well as learning crocheting. There was also the opportunity to play games that were popular during the era.
In the afternoon, the children experienced the ‘mend and make do’ way of life by practising their sewing and embroidery skills as well as learning crocheting. There was also the opportunity to play games that were popular during the era.
raf hendon
On Wednesday 10th November, Year 6 visited the RAF Hendon Museum in Hendon. The day started with exploring the vast hangars where we saw vehicles from the world war eras, including planes, tractors, a police car as well as a flying boat! It was particularly poignant to see a Spitfire and Messerschmitt, which we have learned so much about when studying the Battle of Britain. It was also amazing to see and use the interactive display also dedicated to this major air campaign.
During the afternoon, we met an air raid warden who told us all about life during World War II. Thankfully, he was able to lead us safely to the shelter during an air raid. We then learned about different RAF uniforms, including one belonging to Daphne Pearson, an officer in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, who won the Empire Gallantry Medal for her incredible bravery. All the children were then given the opportunity to try on and wear genuine RAF World War II uniforms, including the one belonging to Daphne Pearson.
During the afternoon, we met an air raid warden who told us all about life during World War II. Thankfully, he was able to lead us safely to the shelter during an air raid. We then learned about different RAF uniforms, including one belonging to Daphne Pearson, an officer in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, who won the Empire Gallantry Medal for her incredible bravery. All the children were then given the opportunity to try on and wear genuine RAF World War II uniforms, including the one belonging to Daphne Pearson.
Christmas Dinner
We all enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner on Wednesday 8th December. Thank you to the cooks and Happy Christmas everyone!
remembrance day
Pupils and staff from across the school joined together for an assembly of Remembrance and the two minute silence today. We ended with a message of hope for the future. Thank you to Reception who created our Remembrance tree.