On 8th January, Years 5 and 6 were lucky enough to meet Elizabeth Barber, a Hertfordshire-based author, who came to talk about her book called ‘Barber Stone Arrows’. Set in the Stone Age, we learned about the characters Zeta and Flin and were introduced to some of their adventures. Elizabeth shared that her inspiration for her story was a 9,000-year-old flint scraper found in a garden. The children also heard about the need for conflict or a problem and cliffhangers in a story. The key message from the visit was how reading (a range of genres) is the best way to become a writer: the reader in the writer.
What object can you find that could inspire a story? What book will you read today to help improve your writing skills?
What object can you find that could inspire a story? What book will you read today to help improve your writing skills?